Sunday, 5 June 2016

Quick, Mancala Game Guide

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If I'm not mistaken, a lot of you guys don't really know how to play Mancala. I'll just be creating a quick guide on how to play it, if in the future you'd like to learn how to really play the game.

Basically as you first start off, on each players side in each circle, you get 4 stones. Right now, the score is equal. As you start you decide which circle you would like to click on that you think will put stones into the Mancala circle. As you go on, eventually you can capture the other players stones, resulting in you getting more points and stones. If your wondering how to capture, I'll tell you how! When you move your stones, if it moves onto a empty circle you'll be able to take the other players stones on his side of the board. How you win, is when you or your opponent is the first one to have all their stones in the Mancala circle.  That's all from me today!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome you decided to write a post on one of the most confusing games! Thanks man. :)
