Saturday, 20 August 2016

What Makes This CP Moderator Named, Megg So Likeable?

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It's the most greatest, Club Penguin moderators birthday today. So what I decided to do was create a blog post, listing a few things that makes our favorite moderator so likable. First, I'd like to say, Megg I want to wish you a big happy birthday. You're one of my favorite moderators! Let's being. Megg, Is a funny and kind person. She makes memes a lot in her, What's new blog post, having a funny personality is some thing a lot of penguins like. Also, she's kind, she hasn't said anything rude or hurtful about, Club Penguin. Next thing, she never lies and she speaks her opinions. When most penguins ask her a question in, Megg Meetups she anwsers almost all of them. On most occasions if you ask her for a postcard, she'll send you one and she'll even send you an extra one to make sure you get one. She tells us everything she can tell us. Hm what else... Oh! She's plenty of fun! During, Megg Meetups she's random and always likes to make things fun. Having crazy, Megg Monday meetup themes is something she does most of the time, which make it fun. And she's a great listener. I can't even believe how awesome she is. I made a tweet about, making a Mancala Pin happen, Megg must've seen it and somehow she made that pin happen. She also made the, Breakfeast Bun Pin happen. She's also made so many other things happen. The, Music Jam, Club Penguin Reunion and lots more. Also, she sticks to what she says. Most of the time if you ask, Megg to come to a meetup she will say, "I will try making it." And most of time she makes it. This is what makes her a very likable, Moderator. I'm sorry if this isn't a very long blog post but it's something I wanted to make special, for my favorite moderator, Megg. Again, Happy Birthday! I'm so glad your a moderator because you've made everyone's, Club Penguin experience better. You're the best! Thanks again! If you guys have any thing you want to say to, Megg comment below. There's a small chance she'll see this post. That's all from me today!

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