Saturday, 20 August 2016

What Makes This CP Moderator Named, Megg So Likeable?

It's the most greatest, Club Penguin moderators birthday today. So what I decided to do was create a blog post, listing a few things that makes our favorite moderator so likable. First, I'd like to say, Megg I want to wish you a big happy birthday. You're one of my favorite moderators! Let's being. Megg, Is a funny and kind person. She makes memes a lot in her, What's new blog post, having a funny personality is some thing a lot of penguins like. Also, she's kind, she hasn't said anything rude or hurtful about, Club Penguin. Next thing, she never lies and she speaks her opinions. When most penguins ask her a question in, Megg Meetups she anwsers almost all of them. On most occasions if you ask her for a postcard, she'll send you one and she'll even send you an extra one to make sure you get one. She tells us everything she can tell us. Hm what else... Oh! She's plenty of fun! During, Megg Meetups she's random and always likes to make things fun. Having crazy, Megg Monday meetup themes is something she does most of the time, which make it fun. And she's a great listener. I can't even believe how awesome she is. I made a tweet about, making a Mancala Pin happen, Megg must've seen it and somehow she made that pin happen. She also made the, Breakfeast Bun Pin happen. She's also made so many other things happen. The, Music Jam, Club Penguin Reunion and lots more. Also, she sticks to what she says. Most of the time if you ask, Megg to come to a meetup she will say, "I will try making it." And most of time she makes it. This is what makes her a very likable, Moderator. I'm sorry if this isn't a very long blog post but it's something I wanted to make special, for my favorite moderator, Megg. Again, Happy Birthday! I'm so glad your a moderator because you've made everyone's, Club Penguin experience better. You're the best! Thanks again! If you guys have any thing you want to say to, Megg comment below. There's a small chance she'll see this post. That's all from me today!

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Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Club Penguin Times, Issue #555

The, Frozen Party is finally here! Well, Frozen Fever of course. This page is just letting everyone know, Elsa and her friends are back to the, Island! Let's not melt, Olaf to much haha.

This page is just about, Rookie waving goodbye to one of his many friends, Dory. He just tells us what he learned from, Dory and rubber ducky! Haha.

Upcoming events of course. This party is another long one but many will enjoy it. I'm so happy it's here again. Lovely rooms and music. It's amazing! August 31st is just happy birthday messages to, Elsa and then on, September 21st the, Frozen Fever party ends. Yayy!? Nooo.. That's all from me today!

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Club Penguin Breakfast Bun Pin

Isn't today a chilly day? The, Frozen Party is back for a third and final time which means a few updates. There's a new pin! Quite an exciting one, Megg or some, Club Penguin artist made this, Bacon Cinnamon Roll pin! And, Megg said this was going to be this weeks pin. I'm so happy that's true. Last pin was the, Mancala Pin. I'm glad Club Penguin is listening more! This pin is really awesome, one with a black outline instead of white is great. Plus, this pin is really yummy so get it before there's no left. It's located in the, Puffle Attic. Not sure if that's what it's called but yup. That's all from me today!
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Monday, 15 August 2016

5, Music Jam Rooms That Must Make A Comeback!

Have you guys heard the exciting news? It's very exciting, after not having something close to a, Music Jam for a few years, this huge events returning, in just a few months. Thanks, Club Penguin, you've been listening very well! I thought it was necessary to make this post, to list my top 5, favorite, Music Jam rooms that I think should make a comeback. So lets tune into this first one! Ha-Ha get it?...

The first room I want to make a comeback is this one. It was at the first ever, Music Jam! The one room on the island that almost never gets decorated, was decorated all out for this party. I know it's going to be different if this room comes back, as the, Dojo is updated but I'm sure they can figure something out. I love this room. It looks like so much fun. This would be a cool way for us to earn items, we play the listed tunes and earn cool items!

The next room I would like to make a comeback is this room. Believe it or not, it's the, Coffee Shop. I can't even believe how well this room was decorated, it is so amazing! I would love to just waddle in this room, sit down, and listen to some classic tunes. It was first on the island from the, 2008, Music Jam. I know I can't be the only one who wants this room to make a come back. Maybe, the, Penguin Band could even come here! 

The next room is this lovely room. Yes, it's the, Iceberg. This is probably one of the best times the, Iceberg was decorated. In, 2011 this room was here. Actually, this was one of the, Music Jams I remember slightly. It's so awesome, if this room comes back it would be so much fun. Wether it be the real, Penguin Band there or the virtual one, it's fun. Then that shirt rack could hold free items. There could maybe even be some fireworks in the sky? Maybe??

Now this room really needs to make a come back. I remember this room at the, Make Your Mark, Music Jam in 2012. This room was such a popular spot to hang out at and talk to new penguin friends. I know so many penguins loved this room. It really was so much fun, I have such great memories from if. They could even up it up by maybe adding a jukebox and letting us pick certain songs we want to play!

Lastly, they should bring back this room. Just look at it, isn't it such a cool designed room? Yea, it really is. This is actually the, Stage. It isn't here anymore so I'm sure the team could think of something like this. Maybe they can make the escalator a, Red Carpet and all the shops can be turned into different things. I know these rooms are all great.

There are probably so many other rooms that you guys would want to come back, but personally I really liked these rooms. Maybe you guys can help and tell me your own favorite, Music Jam rooms in the comments below. I would like to hear your thoughts on mine! I'm so excited we are getting a whole month, hopefully of this classic, Music Jam party. Thank you, Club Penguin and the most awesome, Moderator, Megg! That's all from me today!

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Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Penguins not being transferred into, CP Remix, is that good or bad?

As most of you may have heard, our penguins most likely won't be transferred into, CP Remix. That's quite rediculous in my opinion. Hundreds of dollars worth of memberships, CP plushies, and much more. Now we're told, none of it isn't going to transferred. I have to say, it's a good thing and a bad thing. I saw most of the community very upset and stunned that we aren't going to have our penguins in, CP Remix. But there's a lot of good and bad things about that, like I said. Bad being, we're loosing memories, friends, items and money. That sounds pretty horrible, right? Well let me ask you this... Desktop for Club Penguin isn't going to be here forever, either so that's another bad thing. But it may make a return, not on Chrome though. So we won't have, Desktop Club Penguin but we will have mobile. Mobile is a bit underrated for us community members, but not for the younger audience. To go back to us not having our penguins transferred, let's go to the bad side of tit, again. Club Penguin, will be focusing on the mobile application and not the desktop version. They won't be able to maintain updates, so how does Club Penguin with no updates, items, parties sound? That's pretty bad, if you ask me. Would you rather have your original penguin with all of its items, and furniture? Plus, desktop, Club Penguin with no updates? I wouldn't. Why can't the community just forget about all this information, that we weren't even supposed to hear about until a blog post was made? I wasn't expecting the community to go this crazy, over a few questions that got answers. I'm sorry, that's just how I feel. I would much rather look forward to, CP Remix and push the other information behind and just try to enjoy, Old CP as best as we, possibly can. I'm almost positive, CP Remix will be so amazing and will give us a great beat test. Please, we need to appreciate all that, CP has done for us and for the future. That's all from me today!
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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Club Penguin, Mancala Pin Cheat

Sorry for the bad quality, currently I have no access to a computer. Anyways, it's been a few weeks and that means there's a new pin! This new pin is the, Mancala Pin! That's something I thought never would've been released. Thanks, CP Team. I'm glad I contributed to this pin being released. It's so awesome! We haven't had a pin hidden here for awhile, grab this unique pin at the, Dance Lounge (Arcade) before it's gone. That's all from me today!
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Club Penguin Times, Issue #554

Finally we gave a new, Club Penguin Times! This weeks issue is, issue #554! This page just discusses, Rookie exploring the drop off room. Exciting right?

Then the next page just is about, Facing Tusk. Oooh! That's interesting, I've always wanted to face risk in battle!

Then the upcoming events are, The 3rd Frozen Party, yay! And then, September 1st is new catalogs. That's all from me today!

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