Club Penguin liked a tweet by my friend, Chilly573. He said "Like this tweet if there's going to be a Frozen Party next month." They liked it, which means we are indeed, having a 3rd Frozen Party. Today, the community seemed pretty angry and upset about it. Yes I know, practically the same party for the 3rd time. It gets boring, I get it. But, there's many new Club Penguin players joining day by day, us older Club Penguin players / veterans for the most part, have already experienced it. But many new players haven't experienced the Frozen Party, so they will probably be excited about it and enjoy it. We can't do anything about it, but just hope for the best. But hey, hasn't everyone been complaining that non members aren't getting free items at partys anymore? Yes, believe it or not, the Frozen Party gives away tons of free items for everyone. Clothing items, hand items, backgrounds, furniture, and even an igloo. So for all you nonmembers, it should be great. Not to mention, since it's coming back everyone who didn't get a chance to collect the Frozen items, will now get a chance too. Also, if you guys didn't get to meet Elsa, you can, right? See there is more positive then negative things. Again, this party might have a new room. Disney is making another Frozen short, so I bet we might have a new room, even some new outfits? Exciting right? I honestly love Frozen. The party rooms are very well decorated, even though we've seen them before. The music is very relaxing, I personally love it all. I know recycled parties isn't something everyone, loves... But it's always nice to relive an older party. For all we know, this might be the last ever takeover we'll experience in old Club Penguin. So we should be excited somewhat, for this party. I'm excited as can be! Here's what some of my friends think about the Frozen Party returning:
Madzom8ie: "I think Club Penguin having another Frozen Party is a bad idea. I feel CP shouldn't do more than two takeovers for one movie. If all mini movies are going to be like the Frozen Fever party and with barely anything and they feel they need to include it I say they should make it a mini event before or during a real party players will enjoy. They have so many party options and yet they choose to do another frozen party. I say it shouldn't happen."
Tomisino1: "Frozen is very popular amongst the younger CP players. CP is listening. But the fact that the content in it will be reused from the previous two Frozen parties means that penguins who went to the previous two, or even one of them, will find not much benefit from this next one. It would be nice to have some new content along with it, which I am sure that there might just be! We should remember that Club Penguin is working very hard behind the scenes on Project: Super Secret, and we should be grateful for what they will give us."
If you guys have anything else to say, tweet me or comment below this post. That's all from me today!
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