Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Club Penguin PH Meet Up Times Week 1

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The one and only Puffle Handler PH will be stopping at the island, I personally would pick yourself up and meet her because she doesn't come very often, only about once a year! Here's what Megg said:

Greetings friends,
Club Penguin's one and only PH the Puffle Handler will be visiting the island to help us celebrate our pet pals!
She’ll be waddling around the island at the following times:
Thursday, March 17
 * 3:00pm on the server Rainbow
Friday, March 18
 * 10:00am on the server Sled
Saturday, March 19
 * 3:00pm on the server Fog
Sunday, March 20
 * 10:00am on the server Northern Lights
Monday, March 21
 * 3:00pm on the server Jack Frost
Tuesday, March 22
 * 10:00am on the server Mittens
Wednesday, March 23
 * 3:00pm on the server Iceland
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time (PST). You can check the Clock Tower in the Snow Forts for the correct time.
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
That's all from me today

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