Here's Saraapril one of Club Penguins very popular and nice bloggers. She's been around the game since 2007. At the time Club Penguin blogs were getting more popular. If you guessed, a year later she decided creating her own blog was a great thing to do. She originally made her blog so she could bring peace to Club Penguin. Also she wanted to entertain younger players and most importantly have fun doing it. Throughout the years, her popularity picked up very quickly. She became very compassionate with blogging. One of the hardest things to do is blog about every update and bug. Saraapril has pretty much blogged about every update, party, and bug in Club Penguin for the past 8 years. Her personality was one of the things I liked most about her. I've always read her blog wether I realized it was hers or not. In every post she tried to include a joke, her daily activities, news, and most importantly penguins waddling around the island. She stuck with her original plan ever since the beginning. She holds over 10k blog post. It amazes me how bloggers like her input her fans in her blog post. Also, not many bloggers do this but in a lot of her post she included a short GIF which was always something I looked forward to. If you guys are active with following her on Twitter.. Well things were getting slow. She wasn't posting Club Penguin updates as she usually would do. Like anyone would, she was very focused on school. For the past for months she wanted to enjoy life more and focus on school. Unfortunately if you guys were foreshadowing it or not.. Today marks the day she officially quit Club Penguin blogging. May 1st, 2016. That doesn't mean you shouldn't stop visiting her blog. She has very helpful stamp guides, card jitsu guides, and so much more. Her blog holds such a loving atmosphere. I really can tell you I got emotional hearing she quit. It's always sad when someone quits blogging about a game you love. It was great to see her viewers supported her so much. No one was angry and most were supportive. She has a great future ahead of her and I hope to hear an update from her eventually. Who knows, maybe she'll visit her blog during the summer.
Here are a few screenshots of the very special blogger we all love:
If you guys wanna check out her very old, first post here's the link: http://www.clubpenguinsaraapril.com/2008/06/saraapril-in-cp-world.html?m=1
I hope you all liked this long yet very loving post to Saraapril. That's all from me today!
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